
Advanced modern Fortran


This 5-day course provides an introduction to the rest of the capabilities of modern Fortran, including generic programming, object oriented programming, parameterised derived types, exception handling using IEEE facilities, C interoperability and parallel programming.


The course is suitable for people who have attended the Introduction to modern Fortran course, or have a basic grounding in Fortran or a good grounding in another programming language.


The course is also suitable for people wanting to convert from another language and already have a basic grounding in Fortran.


All our courses are a mixture of lectures and practical sessions.

Topics covered

The Fortran organisational method, equivalent to classes in other languages

Basic module syntax

Modules for global data


Modules for precision specification and constant definition


Modules for globally sharing data


Modules for derived data types

Implicit and explicit interfaces

Data structuring in Fortran

Linked lists using pointers


Linked lists using allocatable components


Linked lists using move_alloc

Operator overloading

Basic syntax

Generic programming

Basic syntax


Generic programming and other languages


Generic sorting with support for 4 integer and 3 real types


Generic statistics module with support for 3 precisions

Mathematical examples

Using linked lists for sparse matrix problems


Inner product of two sparse vectors


Solving 1st order Ordinary Differential Equations using Runge Kutta Merson


Automatic arrays


Subroutine as a dummy procedure argument


A subroutine to extract the diagonal elements of a matrix


The solution of a system of linear simultaneous equations using Gaussian Elimination

Parameterised derived types

Linked list parameterised by real kind type


Ragged array parameterised by real kind type

Object Oriented Programming

Basic syntax in Fortran


Base class


Derived or inherited classes


Derived types and structure constructors


Structure constructors and generic names


Derived classes and inheritance


Polymorphism and dynamic binding

Introduction to submodules

Rewrite of Date Class using submodules

Rewrite of Runge Kutta Merson example using a submodule

Introduction to parallel programming

Basic technical background


Amdahl's Law


Gustafson's law


Fortran and parallel programming

Introduction to MPI (Message Passing Interface)

MPI implementations


Compiler and implementation combinations


Examples highlighting the basic of MPI programming

Introduction to OpenMP

The OpenMP model


Examples highlighting the basics of OpenMP programming

Introduction to Coarray Fortran

The Coarray model


Examples highlighting the basics of Coarray Fortran

C Interop

Basic introducton


Examples illustrating


Fortran calling C


Fortran calling C++


C calling Fortran


C++ calling Fortran


Calling C++ STL parallel sort routines


Querying memory availability under Windows and Linux

IEEE arithmetic

Basic history and background


Examples illustrating the use of Fortran's IEEE suport for numeric exception handling


Statistical calculations using NANS

Third part libraries

Benchmarking user written generic recursive Quicksort algorithm


Benchmarking user written non recursive Quicksort


The NAG library for SMP and Multicore


Benchmarking one of the NAG parallel sorting routines


Comparison of three sorting methods


Graphics libraries


Examples using the Dislin graphics libraries

Converting from Fortran 77

Deleted language features


Obsolescent language features


Third party conversion tools

Course material

program examples from 4th edition book (updated 2/9/18)
Compressed archive in ZIP format [170.5 KB]
Fourth edition *new* examples and updated material - 25 April 2024
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]

Click here for the 4th_edition_update.tar  file containing all of the original examples, new examples, and a copy of the above notes.

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